Insolvency Oracle

Developments in UK insolvency by Michelle Butler


The Rules’ complexities: get used to them!

In their report on the 2016 Rules’ review, the Insolvency Service all but acknowledges that some of the Rules leave IPs playing Twister, being forced into shapes that just won’t fit.  However, there are few admissions that things need to change.  Generally, all we can hope for is a review-on-the-review, which will consider further what, if anything, should change.

In this article, I cover:

  • The CVL process – top of the InsS’ list for change
  • The InsS maintains a general reluctance to fix fees
  • The new decision processes – successful or too complicated?
  • The InsS sees few problems with committees, dividends, the lack of prescribed forms, SoAs and personal data
  • But there are a handful of odds-and-sods that the InsS intends to change

The InsS report on their review can be found at

My personal consultation response is at

CVLs to change

One area that the InsS does appear committed to change is the CVL process.  In scope for consideration are:

  • The fact that the Rules only empower an office holder, not a director (or an IP acting on their instructions), to deliver documents by website
  • The fact that, although the Temporary Insolvency Practice Direction allows remote statutory declarations, a more permanent change to verifying Statements of Affairs would be beneficial
  • The fact that the Rules do not provide for the liquidation estate to pay any non-R6.7 pre-appointment expenses, e.g. the costs of seeking the shareholders’ resolution to wind up
  • Some respondents’ requests for more time to consider S100 decisions and SoAs

I find the last point a irritating: the new Rules’ S100 process for commencing CVLs is already more creditor-friendly than the IR86’s S98.  Now, the Statement of Affairs must be received by creditors at the latest the business day before the decision date, whereas under the IR86 the SoA only needed to be provided to the meeting.  Also, the new Rules’ 3-business-days-between-delivery-and-the-decision-date means that the notice period is usually one day longer than it was under the IR86. 

True, few CVLs need to happen quickly, but an extension in the period really must be accompanied by wider scope for the advising IP’s costs, as well as those of agents and solicitors, to be paid from the estate where the work is done with a view to the CVL.


A lacklustre response on fees

It was disappointing to read the InsS’ opening comment on the general subject of fees that:

“It is not certain that the rules on a necessarily moderately complex topic can be made clearer”. 

Pah!  You’re just not thinking hard enough, guys.

But at least we have some comfort that the InsS has “particularly noted concerns around rules 18.24 to 18.27 on changes to the bases of remuneration”, a topic on which I have blogged on several occasions, and they propose to review these fees rules “at a future date”.

While the InsS notes “concerns that the new Rules are not effective for small cases, including the absence of the ability of remuneration in a CVL to default to Schedule 11 scales”, they stated that “stakeholders”suggested “that reintroducing this measure… would make the process more complicated”.  Strange, I’m not sure why anyone would be against this measure.

They also stated that it might make “the process burdensome and more expensive rather than more efficient” if the rules were to provide different fee criteria for small cases, although the report does not make clear to what suggestion this was alluding. 

In my consultation response, I had suggested a de minimis statutory fee (after all, the OR has a set fee of £6,000) in recognition of the basic statutory and regulatory requirements of all CVLs, BKYs and WUCs.  This IP statutory fee either could be granted as automatic or, if the InsS weren’t comfortable in taking off all the reins, could be approved using the deemed consent process.  Personally, I was not suggesting different fee criteria for small cases, I was suggesting that this could be the standard for all cases, leaving the office holder to seek approval in the usual way for any fees above this de minimis level. 

I’m not entirely surprised that they’ve ignored such a suggestion from little me.  However, to suggest that there is no process by which the Rules could be changed to help IPs avoid the burden and expense of seeking the court’s approval where creditors refuse to engage in a decision procedure on fees is disappointingly defeatist and, I suspect, reflects a persistent lack of understanding of the difficulties encountered by many IPs.

Not even fees estimates to change

The report also noted that several respondents had made suggestions to simplify the fees estimate requirements.  The InsS gave several reasons why they felt there should be no changes, including:

  • the fees estimate provisions align with the statutory objective that regulators ensure that IPs provide high quality services at a fair and reasonable cost (hmm… does spending truck-loads of time creating a fees estimate pack really achieve this?);
  • “the level of fees charged by officeholders have often been a cause of complaint amongst creditors and sanctions by their regulators” (“often”?  Really??  The InsS Regulatory Report for 2021 reported that 5 out of 423 complaints were about fees and only one of the 53 regulatory sanctions listed was about the level of fees); and
  • “amending the Rules in the ways that have been suggested would have the effect that creditors would once again find it difficult to scrutinise and challenge remuneration due to a lack of timely information”. 

It’s a shame that the InsS appears to view the time that IPs spend in complying with the copious information requirements as time – and cost to the estate – well spent.

The case for physical meetings

Before the new Rules came into force, I think that many of us thought that removing the power to convene a physical meeting and replacing this with a variety of decision processes was unhelpful and an unnecessary complication.  Although the InsS report indicates that these views have persisted, personally I think that 5 years of experience with the new decision processes, as well as the pandemic lockdowns, has led many of us to think that maybe this new normal of decision-making isn’t so disastrous after all. 

But I do struggle to accept the report’s contention that “there is some suggestion that the new processes have not been detrimental to creditor engagement”, unless by “engagement” they simply mean “voting”.  It seems the InsS is arguing that correspondence and deemed consent decision processes “may encourage creditor engagement precisely because they reduce the need to spend time and money actively interacting with officeholders in cases of lesser interest”.  Hmm… this might explain why it seems that some creditors lodge objections to deemed consents and then fail to engage when the IP is forced thereafter to convene another decision procedure. 

I also had to smile at the InsS’ suggestion that the increased number of creditor complaints over the complexity of the decision processes may actually reflect creditors’ increased interest in engaging!

Decisions, decisions…

Fundamentally, the InsS report concludes that the new processes require no material changes.  In particular:

  • The InsS is happy with the 11.59pm cut-off time;
  • The InsS is happy that non-meeting votes cannot be changed (R15.31(8)); they state that, to provide otherwise “would require a framework to govern exactly how and when that could happen” (Would it really?  It’s not as if we have a framework for changing a vote submitted by proxy, do we?)
  • The InsS is happy that there is no ability to adjourn a non-meeting process; they consider that “naturally officeholders would not use a non-meeting process where there was any indication that an adjournment might be needed”
  • The InsS is happy that their Dear IP 76 encouragement for IPs to take a pragmatic approach as regards the statutory timescales for delivering documents to overseas creditors is sufficient
  • In response to some comments that office holders would value the discretion to convene a physical meeting, the InsS believes that at present “the restriction on physical meetings is operating correctly, this does not rule out future changes in this area”

But the InsS has indicated that a couple of suggestions are worthy of further consideration:

  • That creditors with small debts should not be required to prove their debt in order to vote
  • Fixing the apparent inconsistency in requiring meetings, but not non-meeting decision procedures, to be gazetted

Information overload

The InsS report does acknowledge that “information overload” as regards creditors’ circulars for decisions is “a core concern”.  However, they suggest that this is in part because some IPs “are still in the process of determining how best to use and present the new decision-making options”.  Charming!  But, InsS, you cannot escape the truth that the new Rules require an extraordinary amount of information – R15.8 alone covers a page and a half of my Sealy & Milman!

Surely we can cut out some of the gumpf, can’t we?  For example, some people raised the point that R15.8(3)(g) requires pre-appointment notices to include statements regarding opted-out creditors even though no such creditors would exist at that stage.  The InsS suggests the solution lies in adding yet further information in such notices if IPs “think that reproducing the literal wording of the rules could cause confusion”. 

This implied confirmation that IPs do need to provide such irrelevant statements in notices is frustrating, given that the court had previously expressed the view (in re Caversham Finance Limited [2022] EWHC 789 (Ch)) concerning the similarly irrelevant requirement of R15.8(3)(f) for notices to refer to creditors will small debts:

“I think that Parliament cannot have intended that redundant information should be included on the notice”. 

Well, the InsS has spoken: they do require such redundant information.

Are decisions like dominoes?

I love it when the InsS writes something that makes me go “ooh!” 

The report describes the scenario where a decision procedure was convened to address several decisions, but then “a physical meeting is requested in one of those decisions but not the others”.  Someone had suggested that the physical meeting be convened to cover all the original proposed decisions or that the Rules make clear that the request applies only to one. 

The InsS has responded that they consider that:

“the Rules are clear that each decision is treated separately for the purposes of requests for physical meetings”. 

While I can see this from Ss 246ZE(3) and 379ZA(3) – these refer to creditors requesting that “the decision be made by a creditors’ meeting” – I have not seen this being applied in practice. 

So this means that every time a creditor asks for a physical meeting, it seems the director/office-holder should ask them what decision(s) they want proposed at the meeting and, if there are any decisions that they don’t list, then these decisions should be allowed to proceed to the original decision date.  Interesting.

What about concurrent decision processes?

The report noted comments that the Rules are unclear as to whether a decision procedure can run concurrently with a S100 deemed consent process in order to seek approval of pre-CVL expenses or the basis of the liquidator’s fees. 

The InsS’ reaction to this issue is curious.  The report merely flags the “risk” that the decision procedure on fees would be ineffective where the creditors nominate a different liquidator to that resolved by the company (would it?  Why??). 

So… does this mean that the InsS doesn’t see any technical block to these concurrent processes?  Are we any clearer on this debate that has been running since 2017?

What about the reduced scope for resolutions at S100 meetings?

The report notes that the new Rules have excluded the IR86’s provision that S98 meetings may consider “any other resolution which the chairman thinks it right to allow for special reasons”, which was previously used as the justification for S98 meetings also considering the approval of pre-CVL fees.  Does this omission affect the ability for fees/expenses decisions to be made at S100 meetings?

The InsS’ response to this one is equally cryptic.  They appear to be saying that, as “rule 6.7 now includes expenses that were omitted from the Insolvency Rules 1986”, the “any other resolution” provision is no longer necessary. 

I don’t get it: R6.7 is no wider in scope than the old Rs 4.38 and 4.62, so there’s no remedied omission as far as I can see.  The problem is that the new Rules still lack an explicit provision that the initial S100 meeting may consider other resolutions, such as approval of the R6.7 expenses and indeed the basis of the liquidator’s fees.  At least it’s nice to have the InsS’ view that there is no problem, I suppose!

Committee complexities

The InsS report does not pass comment on whether respondents’ questioning “the value of continually requesting that creditors decide whether to create a committee” was a good point worth taking forward.

The report does suggest that the InsS won’t be taking forward issues around the establishment of a committee where there are more than 5 nominations.  The InsS considers that the decision in Re Polly Peck International Plc (In Administration) (No. 1), [1991] BCC 503, “remains relevant”.  This decision concluded that, “where more nominations are received than available seats on the committee, that a simple election should be held with those nominees who receive the greatest number of votes (by value) filling the vacancies”.  Ah yes, the simple election – simples! 

The more recent decision, Re Patisserie Holdings Plc (In Liquidation) ([2021] EWHC 3205 (Ch)), suggests that even where fewer than 5 nominations are received, those nominations will only be decisive where they have been made by the majority creditors.  Therefore, it seems to me that we are still left with a cumbersome committee-formation process stretching over two decision processes.

No going back on prescribed forms

The InsS is of the view that the decision to abolish prescribed forms was the correct one.  The report states that there does not appear “to be truly widespread difficulty” and they maintain that their impact assessment had accommodated the familiarisation cost appropriately. 

Although I think this unfairly plays down the impact on small businesses, I do think the boat has sailed on this debate.  I would have loved the InsS to have provided optional templates to support the prescribed content rules, but given that even the InsS’ own proof of debt form does not help creditors to meet all the Rules’ requirements, it is probably safer that they did not.

No easy fixes for dividends

An age-old bugbear is the hassle for all parties where a dividend payment is paltry.  It does the profession no favours when office holders are required to post out cheques for sums smaller than the postage stamp. 

I understand that the InsS did consider the pre-IR16 request to provide a statutory threshold for dividend payments below which they need not be paid.  But I’d heard that this had been considered unconstitutional, as every creditor has the right to the dividend no matter how small.  Instead, the InsS gave us the “small debts” provisions, which I think do the opposite and only increase the likelihood that office holders will be sending small payments to creditors who consider it is just not worth their trouble. 

This time around, it was suggested to the InsS that creditors be entitled to waive their dividend rights in favour of a charity or that this process could be automatic for payments below a certain amount.  The InsS rejected this suggestion, citing that it would simply add a different administrative burden onto office holders and creation of an automatic process would impair creditors’ rights to repayment.

The report does a good job of explaining why a NoID for an ADM must be sent to all creditors, not just those who have not proved as in other cases.  This is because the ADM NoID triggers the set-off provisions of R14.24, so all creditors need to know about it.  So no change there either.

Some respondents commented on the generally unnecessary duplication of requiring employees to submit proofs even though the IP receives information about their claims sent to the RPO.  This is an area that the InsS has noted for future consideration.

SoAs and personal data

I’m sure we remember the kerfuffle created by Dear IP chapter 13 article 97, which seems (or attempts) to grant IPs the discretion to breach the Rules requiring the circulation to creditors of personal data in Statements of Affairs.  Well, it seems that the InsS has already forgotten it.

As regards suggestions that the Rules might restrict the circulation of the personal details of employee and consumer creditors, the report states that the InsS is:

“satisfied that the current balance struck by the Rules remains an appropriate one” 

Oh!  So does that mean they will be recalling the Dear IP article?

Respondents also raised other concerns regarding the disclosure of personal details:

  • the requirement for non-employee/consumer creditors’ details to be filed at Companies House, so this would include personal addresses of self-employed creditors etc.
  • the need to disclose an insolvent individual’s residential address on all notices
  • the fact that, if the InsS is truly concerned with creditors being able to contact each other, then wouldn’t email addresses be more relevant?

The report states that “these issues will remain under consideration for amendment in future updates to the Rules”.

The opt-out process: who cares?

In my view, far too much space in the report was devoted to explaining the feedback of the creditor opt-out process, with the conclusion that the InsS “will give further thought to whether there should be any changes to, or removal of, these provisions”. 

I was not surprised to read that few creditors – “less than 1%” (personally, I would put it at less than 0.1%) – have opted out.  One respondent had a good point: don’t the opt-out provisions give the impression “that information provided by officeholders has no value or interest”?  Even the report referred to creditors opting out of “unwanted correspondence”.  Doesn’t this suggest something more fundamental, that in many respects the Rules are overkill and that communications could be made far more cost-effective?

Odds-and-sods to fix

The report acknowledged the following deficiencies in the Rules… or in some cases the InsS admitted merely the potential for confusion:

  • ALL: the court’s ruling in Manolete Partners plc v Hayward and Barrett Holdings Limited & Ors ([2021] EWHC 1481 (Ch)), which highlighted the limited scope of “insolvency applications” in R1.35 leading to additional costs – this issue has been singled out by the InsS as being one of the “most pressing” to resolve
  • ADM: the requirement for the notice of appointment of Administrators to state the date and time of their appointment – in view of the expansive comments by the courts on this topic, it is surprising the InsS only intends to “give further consideration to removing this requirement”
  • ADM/CVL/MVL/WUC: oddly, the report states that, as R18.3(1)(b) does not explicitly require a progress report to include details of the company (but just the bankrupt), this “gives the appearance of an error so may be confusing”.  However, R18.3(1)(a) states that reports need to identify “the proceedings”, which under R1.6 includes information identifying the company, so I don’t understand the problem.  In contrast with some of the items mentioned above, the InsS apparently thinks that this issue is of such significance that they “will look to rectify this in a future update to the Rules”.  Guys, where are your priorities?!
  • CVL: “The differing use of the word ‘between’ in rules 6.14(6)(a) and 15.4(b)” (i.e. in one case, the InsS believes it does not include the days either side of the “between”, but in the other case, I think they believe it does) – the InsS has set aside for further review whether the contexts make this inconsistency sufficiently clear
  • BKY: the fact that R10.87(3)(f) lists the contents of a notice being that the Trustee will vacate office once they have filed a final notice with the court, but the Act/Rules do not require the Trustee to file such a notice
  • BKY/WUC: the 5-day period in which to nominate a liquidator or trustee after the date of the OR’s notice – the InsS acknowledged that the short timescale has caused issues (indeed! Especially considering this seems to be the only Rules’ timescale that does not start on delivery of the notice, but rather on the date of the notice)
  • CVA/IVA: Rs 2.44(4) and 8.31(5) appear to have caused some confusion as they now state that a supervisor “must not” (previously: “shall not”) vacate office until the final filing requirements have been met
  • CVA: the fact that there is no provision to file at Companies House any notice of a change of supervisor – again, the InsS’ response is surprisingly non-committal; they will merely “consider whether this justifies creating an additional filing requirement for officeholders”
  • IVA: R8.24 was overlooked in the EU Exit changes and still reflects the wording required when the UK was part of the EU

So much to do, so little opportunity

This article demonstrates the Insolvency Service’s long to-do list.  And this is only the Rules’ review.  Last month, the InsS issued a call for evidence on the personal insolvency framework and they will have a fundamental role in the statutory debt repayment plan process expected to be rolled by the end of this year… and of course no doubt behind the scenes they are working on the response to the proposed single regulator consultation. 

With such high profile projects, when on earth are they going to find the time to get back to the Rules?!

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Court decides on solution for misfiled SoA schedules

I don’t usually write on legal decisions anymore, but I felt that this was such a good news story, I would make an exception.

I have seen many an IP look ashen and frustrated at learning that the employee or consumer creditor schedules have been sent to Companies House for filing along with a Statement of Affairs (“SoA”).  It’s a very easy mistake to make, but it can be costly.  Not only is it a data breach, but over the past few years, the Registrar seems to have hardened his stance and no longer agrees to whip out the offending schedules but instead refers the IP to the expense of getting a court order for their removal.

In the recent case of Re Peter Jones (China) Limited ([2021] EWHC 215 (Ch)) (, HH Judge Davis-White QC gave his view on the matter.

In this case, the IP was quick to spot the error, so just a few days after the SoA containing the employee/consumer schedules had been emailed for filing, he emailed the Registrar asking for the filing to be cancelled.  Unfortunately, although the Registrar had confirmed that the SoA had been returned in the post, there was a mix up and the SoA-plus-schedules were filed.

The Registrar told the IP that he would need a rectification court order to remove the schedules.


Employee/consumer schedules were “unnecessary material”

The court decided that the schedules were “unnecessary material” under S1074 of the Companies Act 2006 (“CA06”):

(2) “Unnecessary material” means material that—

(a) is not necessary in order to comply with an obligation under any enactment, and

(b) is not specifically authorised to be delivered to the registrar.

This section also gives the Registrar discretion to choose not to file the unnecessary material.  If the unnecessary material cannot readily be separated, then the Registrar can reject the whole document submitted.  But if it can readily be separated, then S1074 allows the Registrar to remove just this item.  Of course, this is handy when employee/consumer schedules are mistakenly submitted with SoAs.

S1094 CA06 also gives the Registrar discretion to remove such unnecessary material from documents already filed.


Should the Registrar have used his discretion to remove the schedules?

The court said: yes.

The judge pointed out that:

“If the IR 2016 prohibit delivery of the Schedules to the Registrar it is difficult to see how it could be lawful for him to register them.”

Therefore, the Registrar’s refusal to exercise that discretion was considered “unlawful and irrational within the Wednesbury principles”.

The force of the judge’s decision perhaps is felt in the fact that the judge ordered that the Registrar pay the costs of the IP’s application:

“Having found that the Registrar had a discretion which he should have exercised to remove the Schedules or not to register them in the first place, I ordered that he should pay the costs of the application. His repeated position in correspondence that a court order was necessary was simply wrong.”


Will the Registrar use his discretion in future?

Let’s hope so!

The Registrar was not represented at this application, except by written submission on the question of costs.  I suppose an appeal is possible, but I would think unlikely.

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More little gems from the Insolvency Service’s blog

As promised in my last blog (but later than planned – sorry), here is my second selection of news from the Insolvency Service’s blog and Dear IP 76 that I think is worthy of spreading… with some further commentary from me, of course.

The questions fall into the following topics:

  • S100 Decisions
  • Other Decision Processes
  • Timing Issues

As I mentioned previously, I am very pleased that the Insolvency Service has shared their views on many issues and I do hope they will continue to be this open. I would also like to thank the technical and compliance managers and consultants with whom I have spent many hours debating the rules; without these valuable exchanges, many of the issues would not have occurred to me.


S100 Decisions

  • Can the Statement of Affairs and SIP6 Report be delivered by website?

As the director is responsible for delivering the Statement of Affairs, it is the Insolvency Service’s view that the Statement cannot be delivered by means of a website, as the rules governing website delivery – Rs 1.49 and 1.50 – only apply to office holders. Therefore, the Statement must be either posted or emailed to creditors.

Of course, delivery of the SIP6 report is not a statutory requirement and strictly-speaking SIP6 simply requires the report to “ordinarily be available”. I understand that at least one RPB is content for the SIP6 report to be made available via a website.

  • Does an invitation to decide on whether to form a committee need to be sent along with the S100 proposed decision notice?

The question arises because R6.19 requires such an invitation where any decision is sought from creditors in a CVL, whereas usually the company is not in CVL when the S100 proposed decision notice is signed.

The Insolvency Service has answered “yes”, the director needs to seek a decision from creditors on whether to form a committee when they propose the S100 appointment.

  • Can the SoA/S100 fee be approved via deemed consent?

In view of the Insolvency Service’s approach to IPs’ fees in general, the answer to this might seem an obvious “no”. However, the background to the query was that the rules require creditors to approve the payment of the fee, not its quantum, and therefore it is not quite so obviously “a decision about the remuneration of any person”, which the Act limits to decision procedures, i.e. not including the deemed consent process.

But unsurprisingly the Service answered: “no”.

This has led some people to rethink their process of getting paid the SoA/S100 fee. We have been receiving quite a few questions on whether such fees need approval if they are paid pre-appointment and/or by a third party.

The Insolvency Service has confirmed that R6.7(5) – which requires approval of payments made to the liquidator or an associate – applies to payments referred to in R6.7(4), i.e. those made by the liquidator. R6.7(3) provides that, where payment is made from the company’s assets before the winding-up resolution, the director must provide information on the payment along with the SoA, but they do not require creditor approval.

  • Does R15.11’s timescale for decisions on the liquidator’s remuneration (when made at the same time as the S100 decision on the liquidator) apply also to decisions on the SoA/S100 fee?

R15.11 provides that at least 3 business days’ notice must be given for S100 proposed decisions on the liquidator. This rule also provides that the same timescale applies to “any decision made at the same time on the liquidator’s remuneration”. It stands to reason that, if a virtual meeting were convened to consider a decision on the SoA/S100 fee at the same time as the decision on the liquidator, the same notice requirements would apply, but does the SoA/S100 fee strictly fall under “the liquidator’s remuneration”?

The Insolvency Service has stated that R15.11 should be taken to include the proposed pre-liquidation payments referred to in R6.7(5).


Other Decision Processes

  • What access information needs to be provided on a notice summoning a virtual meeting?

This question arises from the requirement of R15.5 that the notice to creditors must contain “any necessary information as to how to access the virtual meeting including any telephone number, access code or password required”.

The Insolvency Service has answered: “we think that sending a contact number or email address for creditors to contact in order to obtain such details is also acceptable under this rule”.

Personally, I am pleased with this answer, as I think it makes the logistics of virtual meetings far more manageable. It almost eliminates the risk of unknown “excluded persons”, as you would know who is planning to attend. You could also set up ways of verifying who participants are; you could contact them beforehand, maybe send them agendas and meeting packs. Also during the meeting if they get cut off, you would have a ready alternative contact for them, and it would be easier to count votes or set participants up with electronic voting. I don’t think that some kind of pre-meeting contact is too much to ask from creditors; to illustrate, if I want to sign up to an open-access webinar, I think nothing of contacting the convener beforehand in order for a link to be sent to me.

  • Can creditors ask upfront for an Administrator’s Para 52(1) Proposals to be considered at a physical meeting?

As we know, when Administrators include a Para 52(1) Statement in their Proposals, they do not ask creditors to vote on whether to approve the Proposals, but they must start a decision process going if the requisite number of creditors ask for a decision within 8 business days of delivery of the Proposals. Para 52(2) makes it clear that the request from creditors is for a decision, not a meeting as was the case before the Small Business Act. However, R15.6(1) states that “a request for a physical meeting may be made before or after the notice of the decision procedure or deemed consent procedure has been delivered”. Therefore, if the consequence of creditors asking for a Para 52(2) decision is that the Administrator issues a notice of decision procedure (say, a correspondence vote on the Proposals), then this rule seems to allow creditors to ask for a physical meeting before this notice is delivered.

The Insolvency Service has confirmed that this is the case: “there is no reason that the requisitioning creditor should not at the same time request a physical meeting. We note your comment that the request for a physical meeting is being made here before a decision process has even commenced, but we think that is it reasonable to interpret the rules this way on this occasion because the request does clearly relate to a decision”.

  • Ok, so does a creditor asking for a physical meeting to consider the Para 52(1) Proposals need to pay a deposit to cover the costs of this meeting?

R15.6 sets out how creditors’ requests for a physical meeting should be handled. It includes no reference to paying a deposit to cover the costs of the meeting. Mention of paying a deposit appears at R15.18, which relates to requisitioning decisions.

Therefore, quite rightly (albeit unfairly) in my view, the Insolvency Service has stated that “it would follow that where costs of the decision are met by the requisitioning creditor then these would be for a decision which is not made by a physical meeting. Any costs of the physical meeting over and above the security paid by the creditor for a decision process would be an expense to the estate”.

Thus, it would seem that, on receiving sufficient requests for a physical meeting to be summoned to consider Para 52(1) Proposals, the Administrator would need to calculate hypothetically how much it would cost to organise this via a non-physical-meeting procedure and ask the requisitioning creditor for this sum. As the rules require “itemised details” of this sum to be delivered to the creditor, this would take some explaining in order to put the creditor’s mind at ease that we weren’t ignoring their request for a physical meeting even though we were asking them to pay the costs for conducting, say, a correspondence vote!

  • Does a creditor need to lodge a proof of debt in support of a request for a physical meeting?

The Insolvency Service’s simple answer is “no”. This is what I thought when I read the rules, but it does seem odd… and could lead to all sorts of controversy.

  • Can approval for an Administration extension be sought by deemed consent?

Understandably I think, the Insolvency Service has answered “yes”. It almost goes without saying, however, that seeking secured creditors’ consents is not a decision process; the positive approval of each and every secured creditor is required (just thought I’d mention it).

  • How do you deal with the need to invite creditors to make a decision on whether to form a committee when seeking a decision by deemed consent?

The Insolvency Service has confirmed that this committee decision can be posed by deemed consent.

Via Dear IP 76, the Service also endorses the format of a proposed decision in the negative, i.e. that a committee shall not be formed… although it adds a sticky proviso: “in this way, if creditors have already indicated a lack of desire to appoint a committee, the office holder could simply propose that no committee be formed”. How do creditors indicate a lack of desire? In S100 CVLs, this seems straightforward enough in view of the fact that, as mentioned above, the director will have needed to invite such a decision in the first place. However, whether an absence of anything but the usual creditor concerns in, say, the first few weeks of an Administration is sufficient to indicate a lack of desire to satisfy the Service, I don’t know.

What is the alternative: that a positive deemed consent decision be posed, i.e. that a committee will be formed? The problem here is that, unless creditors object, then this decision will be made by default. In the light of probable creditor apathy, this could be unhelpful. Therefore, if a positive deemed consent decision is posed, it would seem necessary to describe it something like “a committee will be formed if there are sufficient creditors nominated by [date] and willing to act as members”, which to be fair is almost the wording set out in the Rules (e.g. R10.76). In this way, if the invitation for nominations is similarly ignored, then the positive decision, even if technically made, is of no effect.

However, it’s all a bit of a faff, isn’t it? It hardly makes for a Plain English process. I also dislike the idea that an office holder must propose a decision that he/she may not support. It doesn’t sit right with me for an IP to invite creditors to approve a decision to form a committee when the IP does not see the need or advantage in having one on the case in hand.   However an IP words the proposed decision, creditors can take action to appoint a committee and, as the Rules do not prescribe a form of words, then surely office holders are free to propose a decision as they see fit.

  • If a Notice of General Use of Website has already been issued, what is the effect of Rs3.54(3/4), 2.25(6/7) and 8.22(4/5), which require additional wording about website-delivery in certain circumstances?

This question requires some explaining. As we know, R1.50 provides that the office holder can send one notice to creditors informing them that all future circulars (with a few statutory exceptions) will be posted onto a website with no further notice to them – this is what I mean by a Notice of General Use of Website. However, we also have R1.49, which repeats the 2010 provision that each new circular can be delivered by posting out a one-pager notifying creditors that the specific document has been uploaded to a website.

Things get complicated when looking at Rs3.54, 2.25 and 8.22. These rules govern how we invite creditors to decide on an Administration extension and a CVA/IVA Proposal. They state that the notice regarding such a decision may also state that the outcome of the decision will be made available for viewing and downloading on a website and that no other notice will be delivered to creditors and these rules go on to specify additional contents of such a notice, which draw from R1.49.

So the question arises: if you have already given notice under R1.50 to confirm that a website is going to be used for (almost) everything, do you need this extra gumpf?

The Insolvency Service has clarified that you don’t. If you have already followed (or are following simultaneously) the R1.50 process, then you need not worry about adding such references to your R3.54/2.25/8.22 notices; you can simply issue the notice via the website and then issue the outcome via the website also. Of course, given that you’re inviting creditors to consider an important decision, you might also want to post something out to them, but this does not appear necessary under the rules.


Timing Issues

  • If an Administration has already been extended pre-April 2017, when should I next produce a progress report?

As covered in a previous blog, the issue here is that, before April 2017, an extension would have resulted in the reporting schedule moving away from 6-monthly from the date of appointment and instead it will be 6-monthly from the date of the progress report that accompanied the request to approve the extension. As drafted, the 2016 Rules had not provided a carve-out for these cases, so it seemed that the reporting schedule for these extended Admins would be reset on 6 April back to 6-monthly from the date of appointment.

An attempt was made to fix this in the Amendment Rules, but in my view it was not wholly successful. They state: “Where rules 18.6, 18.7 or 18.8 prescribe the periods for which progress reports must be made but before the commencement date an office-holder has ceased to act resulting in a change in reporting period under 1986 rule 2.47(3A), 2.47(3B) 4.49B(5), 4.49C(3), or 6.78A(4), the period for which reports must be made is the period for which reports were required to be made under the 1986 Rules immediately before the commencement date.” The intention is clear: where the 1986 Rules have moved a reporting schedule away from the date of appointment, this adjusted schedule should continue. However, the reference to an IP ceasing to act is unfortunate, because in the scenario described above, this has not happened.

The Insolvency Service acknowledged that this rule “could perhaps have been more explicit” (ahem, I think the problem is that it was too explicit), but emphasised that the intention is clear. Presumably therefore the Registrar of Companies will not reject filings made on the extended 6-monthly schedule.  (UPDATE 04/12/2017: the Amendment Rules that come into force on 8 December 2017 settle this matter once and for all.)

Also, just in case you haven’t already picked it up, I should mention that the Amendment Rules have most definitely fixed the issue I raised some months ago about the length of a month, so progress reporting now continues pretty-much in the pre-April way… although of course we now have to factor in the time taken to deliver reports.

  • Do Administrators’ Proposals really have to include a delivery date?

Sorry, this is more just me having a whinge: R3.35(1)(e) requires Administrators’ Proposals to state the date that the Proposals “are delivered” to creditors. When the Proposals are signed off, this will be a date in the future.

The Insolvency Service has confirmed that this is the case: they require the future “deemed” delivery date to be listed.

Of course, there are practical issues with this. If you deliver Proposals using more than one method, e.g. by R1.50 general website-delivery but also by post where some creditors have asked for hard copies (which admittedly will be rare), then you may well have more than one delivery date.

More practically, how will you/your staff complete this little nugget? It is commonplace for Proposals to go through lengthy drafting processes (despite some non-appointment taking IPs’ views that Proposals should be simple to produce in the first few days especially where there has been a pre-pack); drafts are turned over to several different people, being edited as they go. It is going to be a real faff to keep an eye on this insignificant date. My personal recommendation, if the issue date cannot be guaranteed at the outset, is to keep this delivery date coloured/highlighted on draft Proposals so that it is the very last item completed just before the Proposals are signed off.

  • Do you have to wait until the MVL final account has been delivered to members before submitting a copy to the Registrar of Companies?

When closing an MVL, the liquidator is required to confirm to the Registrar that s/he “has delivered” the final account to members (R5.10(3)).

The Insolvency Service does not believe that the liquidator has to wait until the final account has been “delivered” to members at this stage; it is sufficient that the liquidator has sent it. From what I can decipher, it seems they are viewing delivery here as “deemed” delivery, i.e. once it has left your office, it will end up being delivered a couple of days’ later (if sent by post).   Personally, I still think it is odd to confirm at this point that the final account has been delivered, but at least we have an answer for any pedant who wants to debate this.

  • Do you have to wait until the Notice of Establishment of the Committee is delivered to the Registrar/Court before holding the first Committee meeting?

Despite the paradoxical “no” for the previous question, the answer to this one is “yes”.

The issue arises because R17.5(5) states that “the committee is not established (and accordingly cannot act) until the office-holder has delivered a notice of its membership” to the Registrar/Court.   The Insolvency Service has confirmed that, yes, the notice must be delivered before the first meeting is held.

The frustration here, of course, is that we will no longer be able to hold the first committee meeting immediately after any meeting that establishes it, but because the rules require us to hold a first meeting (although this can be by remote attendance), we will have to call the committee members back again.

Personally, I wonder if practically it would still be valuable to hold an informal meeting with the (elected) committee members immediately – so that matters for investigation can be discussed and so that you can help them understand how committees work, maybe even discuss the office-holder’s fee proposal with a view to agreeing this later on – and then, hopefully, the actual first meeting will be little more than a formality.  (UPDATE 04/12/2017: the Amendment Rules that come into force on 8 December 2017 fix this issue… sort of.  See my explanation at


The next instalment..?

As we apply the new rules in practice, I am sure that more issues and ambiguities will emerge. As I mentioned previously, I am grateful to the Insolvency Service for their openness.

Emerging interpretations and views force me to revisit my previous conclusions, which is a good thing, although I am very conscious that earlier blog posts and presentations quickly become out-of-date. Even my presentation for the R3 SPG Technical Review at the end of March needed an update and this is now available to Compliance Alliance webinar subscribers (drop me a line –– if you want to know more 😉 ).

I am also looking forward (err… sort-of!) to presenting on the rules at other R3 events – 6 June SPG Technical Review in Leeds; 7 June Southern Region meeting in Reading; 28 June North East Region meeting; and 4 July SPG Technical Review in Bristol. I welcome your queries and quirky observations on the rules, which will help me to make my presentations useful to the audience. I’m sure there are many more gems to unearth.

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The new Insolvency Rules: is the wait almost over?


The last published update on the new Insolvency Rules was July 2015, when the expectation was that the Rules would be made in “Spring 2016 with a commencement date of 1 October 2016”. As that day fast approaches, where are we..?

Is there a light at the end of the tunnel?

At the ICAEW’s London roadshow last week, Simon Whiting, Senior Policy Advisor of the Insolvency Service, gave us the news:

“we are aiming to lay the Rules before Parliament in the week commencing 10 October 2016”

“commencement will be 6 April 2017”

“… all subject to Ministerial approval”

Technical and compliance directors, managers and consultants have been fearing and dreading this day for several years now. Although my stomach still turns when I think of all the candle-burning days and nights ahead, personally I feel like I’ve done enough waiting: I’m ready!


Spare a thought for colleagues

This is a short plea to all appointment-taking and practice-heading IPs in England & Wales: please try to avoid giving your technical and compliance staff any other projects over the next six to twelve months.

The new Rules will be well over 400 pages long and they will introduce changes from the blinding to the subtle. Okay, many changes will be neither here nor there; if some changes are overlooked, the worst effect will be a red flush at the next monitoring visit. However, some crucial processes – such as how to get appointed and how to obtain fee approval – will change fundamentally and you will want to get these correct from the start.

Also, don’t be misled into thinking that the changes won’t matter until you get your first new appointment after 6 April 2017. The plan is that, with the exception of a few common-sense items, the new Rules will apply across the board, to both existing and future appointments. This does have an advantage – we won’t have to devise and endure dual processes, as we have done since 2010 – however, it will be impossible to introduce the changes gradually: when we wake up on 6 April 2017, we will have to be ready to implement the new Rules for cases at any stage from cradle to grave.


The headline changes

Deborah Manzoori summarised some of the planned changes in an earlier post on the Compliance Alliance’s blog ( We’ve known about these ever since the Small Business Enterprise and Employment Act 2015 and the Deregulation Act 2015 came into being. These changes are set in stone and we’ve simply been waiting for the new Rules to tell us “how to”.

They include:

  • Abolition of physical meetings (unless requested by creditors who meet prescribed criteria)
  • Introduction of decisions approved by “deemed consent”
  • “Qualifying decision procedures” – i.e. the methods by which positive responses to proposed decisions can be sought
  • Allowing small debts without proofs
  • Official Receiver immediately being appointed as Trustee in Bankruptcy

If you want to learn more about these changes as set out in the two Acts, which are good foundations to the detailed changes to come, my partner Jo Harris will be recording a webinar in a week’s time. Email for more information.


The “how to”s… and more

If you have a chance to attend one of the ICAEW’s roadshows – or indeed one of the IPA’s – I would recommend it. Hearing first-hand how the Insolvency Service plans to implement the Acts’ changes is quite an experience: I challenge you not to leave the room feeling baffled and just a little depressed!

I’m sure things will become crystal clear when we finally get to see the new Rules… won’t they?

I don’t want to steal the roadshows’ thunder, but here are some items that furrowed my brow:

  • Complicated S98s

I am very keen to see how S98s will work: Centrebinds will still be 14 days max, but creditors will have some time after receiving notices (for a virtual meeting or a proposed deemed consent) to request a physical meeting… for which directors (/IPs) then will need to issue notice. I am sure it can be done, but timescales will be very tight (perhaps it will mean that more company meetings will be adjourned) and companies/IPs will need to manage unexpected hiatus periods.

  • Complicated Statements of Affairs

It will take some careful managing to comply with the requirement for statements of affairs submitted to Companies House to exclude details of “consumers and employees”, whilst ensuring that creditors receive the full schedules. Will this mean a new creditor code in IPS etc.? What about cases where the director submits a hard copy SoA (e.g. Administrations); will insolvency staff need to type up separate schedules for RoC? Will “consumers” always be obvious, e.g. will they be easily distinguishable from other individual creditors? What is the risk if an IP gets it wrong..?

  • Complicated ADM-CVL Conversions

The Insolvency Service has made several attempts in the past to manage the move from Administration to CVL. Their latest method sounds better, but still not ideal. It seems that the conversion will happen when the final Admin report is filed at RoC… and, if in the meantime “anything” has happened, the Administrator will inform the Liquidator. So the final Admin report won’t actually present the final position and IPs will still be on tenterhooks waiting for the RoC to bring down the shutter.

These are only some of the meaty changes. There are many, many more, affecting every part of what we do, even to the extent of changing some of our language: you may think that it is not before time that “defray” is being removed from Notices of No (Further) Dividend, but think of the template-editing to be done as a consequence.


Standing on the starting blocks

As we take our places on the starting blocks – working (/support!) groups are created, timetables are formulated, and we wave goodbye to holidays – we steel ourselves for the next six months: bring it on!

We at the Compliance Alliance are planning a suite of progressive webinars and document pack updates to help clients prepare for the big day. Call us sceptical, but we’re reluctant to set out exactly what we’re planning until we see the new Rules land – we’ve been here before! However, if you want me to explain to you what we think we’ll be doing, please do get in touch with me.